handmade children's clothing and accessories, markets, sewing projects

Summer time

This time of year feels so full of promise for the warm weather to come. Here in Canberra, the days are getting longer and warmer, the woollen jumpers are being shelved for another year and the sunscreen and hats are coming out. I've been busy making dresses for upcoming markets, and stocking in Trove Canberra in Civic… Continue reading Summer time

Canberra-region, Stockists

New Stockist: Sharwood Hampers

Receiving a hamper is always a lovely surprise! There's the joy of unwrapping and finding treasures within. Knowing they are featuring some of the best of what your local region offers is a bonus. Sharwood Hampers are based in the town of Bungendore and each hamper is carefully put together by the lovely Sharon Isherwood, using fabulous Canberra-region… Continue reading New Stockist: Sharwood Hampers