sewing projects, Sustainability

Masking up!

As part of my zero-waste commitment I’ve been making reusable fabric masks. Reusable masks are an effective and sustainable alternative to disposable masks. They’re fully machine washable, durable and comfortable as they are made from natural fibres. I make them from my fabric offcuts, left from making other items which helps reduce the amount of… Continue reading Masking up!

Collaborations, In the media

Bower Bird photography

Every now and again I have the chance to collaborate with other creative people and I'm always excited about the opportunity. I was delighted to work with Bowerbird photography, two California-based photographers and film-makers and all-round amazing people. I just love what they do! They're passionate about using their skills to help others, and they… Continue reading Bower Bird photography

In the media, Sustainability

What do your clothes really cost?

I spotted this great article on the real cost of fast fashion by Nina Gbor for the Riot Act. It's wonderful seeing the issue of sustainable fashion and the rise of fast fashion getting discussed and explored. Fast fashion has really taken the world by storm and sadly has reduced quality and accelerated the rate we… Continue reading What do your clothes really cost?

handmade children's clothing and accessories, markets, sewing projects

Summer time

This time of year feels so full of promise for the warm weather to come. Here in Canberra, the days are getting longer and warmer, the woollen jumpers are being shelved for another year and the sunscreen and hats are coming out. I've been busy making dresses for upcoming markets, and stocking in Trove Canberra in Civic… Continue reading Summer time

handmade children's clothing and accessories, Stockists

New stockist: Bamboo lulu

I'm excited to have a selection of my organic cotton and bamboo wash-cloths available in Bamboo Lulu's beautiful online store.  These wash-cloths are so versatile! Use them instead of disposable wipes at nappy change time, for bathing baby, cleaning up after feeding time, as a burp cloth and cleaning the inevitable spills and messes with… Continue reading New stockist: Bamboo lulu


March Handmade Markets

I had a stall at the amazing Handmade Canberra markets this weekend just gone. They're incredibly well run, have the loveliest people coming through and friendly, talented stall holders. It was a pleasure to be there once again. This was my 5th market and I loved seeing the familiar faces of my regular customers and it was great… Continue reading March Handmade Markets


Hooray for Handmade!

I'm excited to be back at the amazing Handmade Canberra markets this March on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th. I'm also thrilled to be alongside so many amazing makers from around Australia. As well as showcasing some of my new designs, along with some old favourites, I'll certainly be doing my own shopping. If you haven't… Continue reading Hooray for Handmade!

Knitting projects

A long time coming…

Phew, what a year 2015 was! The months seemed to rush by with no sign of slowing down. For me, last year was jam-packed with family, friends, sewing, knitting, cooking, holidays, school, markets and keeping shops stocked. It was a lot of fun, but super busy. When 2016 arrived, I made one "resolution" of sorts, and that… Continue reading A long time coming…

Knitting projects

Knit one, purl one…

I love knitting. I love the relaxing nature of the knitting process, I love the amazing range of patterns that are available, I love the incredible wool, alpaca and other fibres available, the colours, well, everything really!  Ok, maybe not un-ravelling... I also love that it's a craft that has been around for quite a while… Continue reading Knit one, purl one…