In the media, Sustainability

What do your clothes really cost?

I spotted this great article on the real cost of fast fashion by Nina Gbor for the Riot Act. It’s wonderful seeing the issue of sustainable fashion and the rise of fast fashion getting discussed and explored. Fast fashion has really taken the world by storm and sadly has reduced quality and accelerated the rate we throw out our clothes.


“When we feel tempted by fast fashion glossy advertising, or feeling swept up in the trendy fashion hype, it might be worth taking a moment to ask what the real story is behind the clothes we are being sold.” Nina Gbor.

Reading through, I was thinking how much hand-making and mending clothing can help people connect with and treasure their clothing, as a real antidote to the fast fashion phenomenon. I’d encourage you to learn to sew, knit and repair your own clothes and ENJOY wearing your own creations. If making your own garments is not your thing, seek out local hand-makers in your neighbourhood and look at supporting the many small businesses who are trying to make a positive difference to the world.

I was so chuffed to find my ethical and sustainable micro-business, Wombat & Poss, got a mention, along with a local cooperative that I’m involved with – Trove Canberra. Thanks Nina!

You can read the full article here:


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