sewing projects, Sustainability

Masking up!

As part of my zero-waste commitment I’ve been making reusable fabric masks. Reusable masks are an effective and sustainable alternative to disposable masks. They’re fully machine washable, durable and comfortable as they are made from natural fibres. I make them from my fabric offcuts, left from making other items which helps reduce the amount of… Continue reading Masking up!

Knitting projects

A long time coming…

Phew, what a year 2015 was! The months seemed to rush by with no sign of slowing down. For me, last year was jam-packed with family, friends, sewing, knitting, cooking, holidays, school, markets and keeping shops stocked. It was a lot of fun, but super busy. When 2016 arrived, I made one "resolution" of sorts, and that… Continue reading A long time coming…

Knitting projects

Knit one, purl one…

I love knitting. I love the relaxing nature of the knitting process, I love the amazing range of patterns that are available, I love the incredible wool, alpaca and other fibres available, the colours, well, everything really!  Ok, maybe not un-ravelling... I also love that it's a craft that has been around for quite a while… Continue reading Knit one, purl one…

sewing projects

A new challenge

I'm always looking for new challenges with knitting or sewing and children's birthday presents can present the perfect opportunity!  I'd been wanting to make a zippered pencil case for ages, so seized the chance when a birthday party was coming up. I had bought some coloured pencils and thought a case to go with them would… Continue reading A new challenge

handmade children's clothing and accessories

The humble hanky

The Autumn days are growing longer and a cool chill is descending in the evening.  Winter is around the corner with sniffles and sneezes to follow. The humble hanky, although often overlooked, is incredibly practical and will never shred in the wash, leaving little specks of white all over your black tee.  They are a… Continue reading The humble hanky